Special Keys To Unlock The Secrets Of Human Survival
Working With Spirit Within to Make Our Navigation On Earth A Bit Easier And Calmer.
SPECIAL KEY 1 – Ridding Ourselves Of Fear
SPECIAL KEY 2 – Repelling Negativity
SPECIAL KEY 3 – How To Remain In the World, Yet Not Go Down With It
SPECIAL KEY 4 – Spiritual Discipline
SPECIAL KEY 5 – Retaining Your Happiness No Matter What
How do we do this? Simply let it go. Let go and let the Spirit, or as some would say, let go and let God. Move yourself aside, meaning that the human part of us can become bewildered with the circumstances of what surrounds us in the physical and material realm. Get past the human part by focusing within and visualizing the soul that you really are. Visualize and know for sure that God is part of you, and that you are part of God.
This is far more powerful than anything that you could possibly see or feel in the physical world. You can get stronger by knowing who you really are. Who you are never ends or never dies. No matter what you see with your physical eyes, know this to be true. Hang onto that knowledge and trust it.
We cannot focus on negativity and expect to be positive. Negativity begets negativity. It feeds on itself. Surround yourself with joy, good people and good circumstances, and this is what you will reap. Positivity reaps positivity. How do we rid ourselves of negativity when it seems to surround us from all sides? Simply get away from it and refuse to take it inside of yourself.
It is always amazing how the human condition can attract drama. We immerse ourselves so much in it that we can drown and put out the Light. We don’t always realize that we’re doing this, but once we become aware of it, it becomes easier to see how to remove ourselves. Just do it! Get away, if only for a moment, but do it for yourself – TUNE OUT, DROP IN – go to a place within yourself, or to a special place that will be sure to renew and nourish your soul and feed you heart.
We see with our human eyes, yet we also see with our soul eyes. It is true that with our human eyes, the physical view is so powerful and tremendous that we forget completely that we are first and foremost – a soul. And the soul can handle anything! The human condition cannot.
Back to the First Key – Let go and let Spirit – or let God. Imagine that you are moving aside. Now let the Spirit come riding in to take you over. Do not hold back. Do not be afraid. It is your own Spirit, yet the Spirit of God – for you are one with Spirit – the Divine Source and Creator. Simply know that the Spirit will protect and keep you, even in the world, no matter what is happening. Start now to open up and let yourself be filled.
If we were not taught discipline as children, it is never too late. We can teach ourselves through our own awareness. To be spiritually disciplined is to learn how to navigate more efficiently in this Earth realm. It is only with our Soul eyes operating with full Light, that we will truly be able to navigate in a steady fashion. If you find yourself drowning, please catch yourself.
You really are the only one that can turn on your Inner Light. Visualize the turning on of this Light. Click it on now – Imagine that it’s growing brighter. Now aim and direct this beam of Light in the way that you want to go. You ARE the Light! Follow the path to your destination of choice. Do you choose to fall off the sides into the dark destruction, or do you choose to walk on your Path of Light?
Walking on your Path of Light does not mean that you will not encounter adversity – but that you will be led with clearer and calmer eyes to see the adversity. As you begin to see and walk with your Soul Eyes, you will develop awareness. Your growing awareness will help you to become more disciplined – growing stronger and calmer as a result. Spiritual discipline in an inner strength that will only help you, not hinder you.
Happiness is a state of being and one in which you determine the level. By learning how to Rid Yourself of Fear, Repel Negativity, and knowing How To Remain in the World and Not Go Down With It, you will automatically develop discipline of your psyche and your Spirit. You will begin to see more and more with your Soul Eyes. Because you are learning how to Rid Yourself of Fear, and learning how to Repel negativity, you will no longer attract these certain forces to yourself. You will still see that negativity and bad things are still in the world, but they are outside of yourself, not inside.
Happiness is a state that is in your own heart. Yes, you can still feel that which happens around you – but you will not allow it to suck you into a deep, dark hole and keep you there. By holding onto fear and negativity, you will lose your Happiness. Feel the situation of what is going on around you – be sensitive to the world that surrounds you. Understand that your Awareness is developing and it will help to keep you from drowning in a sea of darkness and negativity. You have learned Spiritual Discipline.
You will walk as Light, bringing Light and Love to the world, no matter what the outside situation looks like. In doing this, you will feel an inner HAPPINESS – a peace in your soul – You Will NOT Go Down With the World, no matter what. Know this to be true. Please…let it keep you and guide you, for it is God that resides inside of you.
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