The Pleiadians proclaim As You Think, So Shall It Be
A six part series of Pleiadian insights originally published in the Sedona Journal of Emergence
Understanding Your True Power
Religion offers hope, perhaps with a prize or reward in the end. Again, what we offer you is total in-Lightenment. Not only will you be in Light, but you will also gain new in-sight as we give you important information. You will see once again, as the blinders are removed and you will participate with a new vigor in all that you do. The new year for you will not be one of destruction, but will be filled with hope. Of course, there will always be the dark moments, but overall, as your spiritual comprehension expands, you will evolve and become a higher tuned being. Understand that the new millennium can be a new beginning for you if you want it to be. Know, also, that if you are not careful, you can get caught up in the mass consciousness and end up on the road of misery and destruction.
Your thoughts are like your heartbeat or your breath. They do have a life of their own. They take you over and often without your conscious consent. Things happen and you have no idea why. We suggest to you that you start listening to your own words. What are you telling yourself over and over? What do you say to others? Listen to your thoughts and know that you are forming your own reality. Understand, please, that each of you are a world unto yourselves.
Your world around you is your creation. It is a reflection of your thoughts. If you are not a trusting person, then you will see others as not being trustworthy. If you hold yourself apart from others, then you will wonder why people are not warm and friendly towards you. If you believe there is an Armageddon in your future, then there will most certainly be. Your world will be as you believe it to be, although you will not always consciously understand how this is so.
The Pleiadians say you have the power to adjust your aura
You have the power to adjust your aura. Once again, by believing it to be so, you will be able to do it. Your aura is an extension of you. Think of it as part of your energy that floats around you, such as an electromagnetic field. It radiates to that which is inside of you. Know that by your thoughts you have the capacity to change it. As you think you are, you will be, thus your aura will change not only according to your emotions and feelings, but with your wishes and suggestions as well.
An aura that shimmers as Gold is protective. It is impenetrable. As Light shines Gold, as in the Sun, so shall you shine Gold. Think it and it will be done. While we tell you that a Gold aura will protect you from all spiritual and physical assaults, we also want you to understand that part of the power of a Gold aura lies in the belief that you are indeed strong and invincible. Your belief is what makes it so.
You contain the power
To realize your own power is certainly a basic concept to understand, although many believe that true power dwells not within, but outside of themselves. In believing this, they are seriously limiting all that they can be. If you wait for a power beyond to put things into action, then there may be no action, or there may be wrong action. Understand that you are the one that contains the power. It is you that controls the circumstances and events of your life, although it can often seem as if it is life that controls you. Have you not floundered and flailed at times, looking outside of yourself to a God for help? Know that you are God! God dwells within you, and is at the highest level of your spirit.
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