Join Us On…Excerpts from the Pleiadian channeled book Comes The Awakening: Realizing The Divine Nature of Who You Are VISUALIZING You probably will not be able to walk through walls any time…
Limiting Ourselves
Much of humanity believes that God is only capable of speaking through the Bible, the Koran, the Torah, Holy books and Holy people. This is absurd! By believing this, we are limiting ourselves. Listen to the voice inside of you. It struggles to be heard. Listen to your heart and follow it. It will take you where you need to go.
We Need A God
Join Us On…Excerpts from the Pleiadian channeled book Comes The Awakening: Realizing The Divine Nature of Who You Are SOMETHING MORE Times are changing. People are not as willing to believe somethin…
The Pleiadian Realm exists outside our normal ideas of time. If we can tune into a so called past life, then we can also tune into future life – thus the Pleaidian Realm
Light Upon Earth
Join Us On…Excerpts from the Pleiadian channeled book Comes The Awakening: Realizing The Divine Nature of Who You Are PEOPLE OF THE LIGHT There are entire civilizations living now that operat…
From out of the light Part 5
As you think, so you can do it. How you develop spiritually determines how you develop physically and what you can do. Pleiadians speak to your hearts and minds from the Pleiades. They exist in your dreams. The Pleiadians are your future and you are their past.