Excerpts from the Pleiadian channeled book Comes The Awakening: Realizing The Divine Nature of Who You Are
You probably will not be able to walk through walls any time soon, but now that you have information, you will begin to think about it. As you think, so will you begin to evolve.
As of now, you can do your part by beginning to practice and visualize all that we tell you. Visualization is very important as it helps you to evolve. By visualizing, you can begin to actually change things. You have no doubt discovered this in some areas of your lives. Or maybe you have not always known by your very thoughts that you have indeed changed things.
So it is that we must tell you, perhaps even warn you, that thoughts are powerful. Not only are thoughts powerful, but words are just as powerful.
Know that as you think , so shall it be. Thoughts and even more so, repeated thoughts and even words have the power to change things. Take a look at how and what you think. What does your mouth proclaim over and over? Are you not making it so? How many times do you hear the phrase, I’m getting old, over and over? Do people not cause themselves to become old by their repeated thoughts and words?
Starting today, become aware of your thought patterns. Examine the things you say, and take note of how many times you repeat the same things.
Think about what is happening in your life. Are you directing your life down a negative path by uttering the same negative words all the time?
Begin to speak of those things which are not ordinarily spoken of, such as flying for instance. Begin slowly and cautiously if you are not sure. We understand that you will most likely get some strange looks, but you will endure. You will go on with what you know and were put here for.
Although you may experience a bit of uncomfortableness, you knew this would happen from the beginning. Believe us when we tell you it was really a minor detail that you did not worry about at all. You may worry now because what you see appears as solid and real. You have learned to embrace it so much so that your grip has become firm as you hold on tightly.
You have not been able to see clearly because your usual consciousness has been shrouded in a thick mist. The mist has swirled about you, tricking and deceiving you throughout your lifetime. Only in rare moments have you been able to catch a glimpse of that which you know to be.
Perhaps in the quieter moments of your deepest self, you have sensed the mysteries of the universe. Or, maybe you have instantly clamped yourself shut whenever you begin to think too much on spiritual matters. It is not wrong to delve further into these mysteries.
It is only by letting go that you will begin to discover who you really are. By exploring possibilities, you are allow your spirit to find truth and meaning to your existence. Know that you are more than simply a body. You are spirit first. Those things that are unseen are what you crave in the deepest, most inner part of yourself.
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