Join Us On… The physical and human orgasm is the bodily equivalent to a spiritual cosmic experience. It is the body’s way of exploding past the physical into all awareness of what divine…
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The Higher Self of Sex 3
Join Us On… Think of sex as a gift of sorts. You were given this extreme body pleasure to experience as a physical manifestation of the spiritual side of yourself. Understand that your spiritu…
The Higher Self of Sex 4
Join Us On… Each part of your body, namely the different parts on the male and female if stimulated enough soon bring on extremely pleasing sensations. If the stimulation is carried through in…
The Higher Self of Sex 5
Join Us On… Sex is a very big issue because it is not very well understood. It is enjoyed but it is not known for what it truly is. It is needed but no one really knows why. We hope to in-ligh…
The Higher Self of Sex 6
Join Us On… If you having a difficult time equating sex with the spiritual, please try to understand that we are doing our best to in-lighten you. With a smile, we tell you that it is not an e…
The Higher Self of Sex 7
Join Us On… The feeling transcends all physical and bodily sensations and takes you past the point of physical reality. It really is an out of this world experience! At this point, you may won…