The Pleiadians Come In Love To Help You Remember
A five part series of Pleiadian insights originally published in the Sedona Journal of Emergence
Believing in Your Beliefs
Belief systems are important. Without them life has no texture or spiritual meaning, and life does consist of the spiritual. We all originate in a realm outside of the one we think we do, and that place is vital to who we are.
What one believes is truth for him, another believes is truth for her. This is why humans squabble and fight such as they do. Each one is consumed and lives completely in their own little universe. We might add that it can get very lonely in there. This is what we see, that Humans can suffer greatly from this affliction. Many of you struggle with physical existence, reaching out as you grope for answers, for people, for connections, always trying to comprehend and understand. You may spend much time attempting to find those you feel the same vibration with.
If the many layers of reality could be observed, they would be seen as stacked one on top of another like an eternal pile of pancakes. Think of time as the syrup seeping through and eventually saturating the pancakes. Time is not actually as you perceive it, but is only a human made commodity. It is an attempt to organize physical existence into a cohesive pattern so that you may function with some sort of order. It is this order that you have turned into linear time.
The Pleiadians say you are spirit
The essence of who you are is indeed spirit, and spirit is, for a lack of a better word, frequency. We, also, are spirit, as all living creations are, yet we exist in another time. Understand, please, that although we exist in another time, we are also a part of you. We are one and the same. There are many of us here and we speak to those of you who are a part of us. That is why you recognize our voice. We are of the Light and we filter down through time to speak to you in this way. You hear us and see us all the time.
Understand that articles and books are not really necessary to enlighten you as to your condition, although many of you find it quick and easy. Perhaps you trust another’s knowledge more than your own, and you are spared from having to find the answers in your own mind. Instead, you will easily see what you need on the pages. This is perfectly fine. It is a way for you to learn and grow. We just wanted to point out that if you found yourself without books and magazines or people, that you could find the answers within yourself. You will know and find what you need in various places, but it will be in your heart when you know that you have found your own personal truth.