The Pleiadians Come In Love To Help You Remember
A five part series of Pleiadian insights originally published in the Sedona Journal of Emergence
Choosing Your Truth
It is good to gather, absorb and reflect. This is how you learn. Your soul growth will be determined by your observations, your actions and reactions. Thus, it is good to be enthusiastic and ever mindful in your search for Truth, Knowledge and Light. We the Pleiaidians from the Pleiades Star Cluster come to offer you truth and help you in your quest, although you must understand that there will be much that you will not be able to fully comprehend at this moment in time. We give you answers in bits and pieces. You may take it as your truth if you would like. Understand, please, that in all our messages to you, we expand the information as we go. Know that truth is something, which is like a pebble thrown into a pond. It ripples outwardly growing larger and larger until eventually you are able to see clearly the ever widening circles that make up the whole pattern.
You perceive truth according to where you are. This is why there often seems to be so many different belief systems. Know that what you are doing is actually buying into one of these systems. So, what are we saying and what exactly is truth? Let us offer more insight, if you will. It is time now for you to understand that all of what anyone says is true…or some of it is true…or none of it is true. Choose whichever you like. Know that if your frequency is tuned to that truth, then it will be true for you.
Whole groups can find the same purpose and truth at once. They all are vibrating to that frequency. They can make the same thought or parts of the thought their reality. There are many that do not understand that ultimate truth is finding out that you yourselves choose your path, your perspective, and your circumstances. You choose your very lives. You choose your destiny and your ending as well. Whatever you choose to believe becomes your very own personal reality.
Read more of this Pleiadians Message
Part 2 – Believing in Your Beliefs
Part 3 – Learning to Expand Yourself
Part 4 – Remembering What You Know
Part 5 – Knowing that You Are Spirit
The Pleiadians want you to remember the divine nature of who you are