The Pleiadians discuss your spiritual training
A 7 part article by Pleiadian Channeler Lia originally published in the Sedona Journal of Emergence
Developing Your Soul
It is through your spirit that you are free. It is through your heart that you feel. Through your body, you are connected to your world, and it is your body that you will leave behind. Know that your spirit soars free at the moment of death. Many of you grieve over this process only because you lack understanding of what it means to leave the earth realm. How is it that you have forgotten that from which you came? We come to remind you by putting a spark of remembrance in you. When you hear our words, you will come to know that which you have forgotten.
Understand that deep within, you long to know. That is why the human condition is often so sad. On the surface of humanity, all can appear well, but dig below and the sadness lingers deep where no one sees.
Perhaps you feel as if you have floundered through life, feeling weak and inadequate because you search for those things that seem elusive. Know that the spiritual world only seems elusive because sometimes it is like you are on the outside trying to look in. You cannot really feel all that you know in your heart to be. This causes a certain sense of emptiness in the pit of your soul, so to speak. This emptiness can create a mood. Know that it is simply that, only a mood, not to be taken too seriously, otherwise you will get bogged down in heavy negative energy and you will lose your effectiveness.
The Pleiadians reveal the secrets of the universe
Focus and you will begin to hear answers to the secrets of the universe. These secrets have been with you for an entire lifetime as you have strained to hear. Listen carefully, for with the help of God, we bring you information. We the Pleiadians from the Pleiades Star Cluster will instruct you on how to focus your energy so that you will be able to shine a direct beam into the darkness. Remember, your power is because of that which you emanate from. You do not stand alone. You are a direct beam from the Source of all Power. Because the Creator is Light, you, also are Light.
As answers are revealed to you, your job will be to pass them along to others. In doing this, you will help them to remember, and they in turn will help others. This is how spiritual evolution works. Without People of the Light to help, instruct and lead the way, there would be no advancement.
As you absorb the information that helps you evolve, ponder and take into yourself those ideas and concepts that are right for you and make them your own. As you do this, your mind will actually begin to transform. It is our hope and intention to elevate you to a much higher level than you currently exist at. You have the capability, but not always the know how. We are here to give you the know how. This is what we planned from the beginning. You will not remember the actual planning and preparations, but know that you were there, agreeing and cooperating.
Pleiaidans tell you the mind is energy
At this point, we tell you that the mind is energy. It is as simple as that. You have heard the saying, Mind Over Matter. This very short and familiar phrase tells you that the mind is energy. Now say it out loud, Mind Over Matter. This, in itself is a very powerful statement, yet one you have heard over and over, so much so that it has lost its impact.
Energy translated into matter, becomes your body and mind, and so it is easy to manipulate that which you think you cannot. Think on this, if you will. What exactly is the mind? Are the mind and brain one and the same? You understand the brain to be gray solid matter that lies inside your skull, but ponder the mind. The mind is simply energy, and has the power over matter.
Within the human condition, there is sadness. Sadness comes from losing a connection to that which you once knew. You try to find it in all sorts of places, but often what you try to find is elusive. The search goes on, day in and day out as you struggle to maintain and find happiness. Can happiness be found at the Earth level? Yes, we assure you that happiness does exist, but it is not to be found in things in the physical realm. Perhaps, for fleeting moments, happiness prevails, but with true happiness there is contentment and peace that can only come from within.
What do we mean by within? It is within, at the very core of yourself that your spirit resides. That which you are on the inside is not what you are on the outside. Your body is simply a shell that houses what activates you. Observe a dead human and you will immediately understand that all life is certainly gone. The facial features; the body itself has gone flat and lifeless, sometimes so much so that what you once knew is hardly recognizable. We are sorry if you think us morbid. A body is a body, and the important substance is that which occupies the body. Understand that we are trying to make a point, and come from another perspective entirely. Bear with us please, as we do try mightily to be sensitive.
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