Many of you struggle with physical existence, reaching out as you grope for answers, for people, for connections, always trying to comprehend and understand. You may spend much time attempting to find those you feel the same vibration with.
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Pleiadian Message Part 3
Understand that Spirit, or God, if you prefer, does not stand above you on a cloud looking down. No, Spirit does not function as this, nor does Spirit exist in a particular time, but seeps like the syrup into all times, or into all areas of perceived realities.
From out of the light Part 1
Planetary beings live among you though you are not aware of them. They often come to gather information though there may be other motives. The Pleiadians work mostly in your subconscious layers to help you.
From out of the light Part 3
Creations of the Light are scattered all over the earth. Those of the light need to cluster together so they exert their power for good. You are here with the Pleiadians because you are supposed to be here. You are connected to others because all consciousness is one.
From out of the light Part 2
The Pleiadians come to you with love you so you can remember who you are. You are the light and you are different. It is by intuition that the most important things are to be found.
As You Think, So Shall It Be Part 3
If you can avoid being submerged with mass consciousness, then you may indeed survive the future intact. This is based on how much you are willing to follow your own heart. As you question and reach for answers, they will be given to you.