Pleiadian Arrival to Earth is an urgent message that every inhabitant of Earth must wake up to the fact that there is more. This new message in both words and music lets you know that you will be transformed into light.
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Pleiadian Party
Get with the Pleiadian Party vibe, feel it in your soul, breath it in through words and music. We are with you, reaching out and bringing you closer to the fun of existence.
Pleiadian Call to Earthlings
This is a Pleiadian message of hope through words and music to all beings who call earth their home that better days and nights will fill your future.
Pleiadian Landing
A Pleiadian Landing helps you remember through words and music that we have been you and you are us in the future. Time is never ending on this evolutionary circle of life.
Pleiadian Jubilation to a New Earth Nation
A Pleiadian message through words and music about the jubilation that Planet Earth is making a transition into a new Earth. Creation will exist and operate as it was intended to be.
Intro to Pleiadian Jubilation to a New Earth Nation
The Pleiadians introduce us to their jubilation about a new Earth Nation through musical frequency using one of earth’s oldest intruments…the Theremin. Feel the hope, love and joy grow into it burst into a dance celebration.