It is important to integrate your parts and become all that you are. So many of you only express fragments or a portion of who you are. The revelation of your hidden parts and how to integrate them will ultimately begin to emerge, and you will gain the wisdom of your whole soul.
Know that truth is something, which is like a pebble thrown into a pond. It ripples outwardly growing larger and larger until eventually you are able to see clearly the ever widening circles that make up the whole pattern.
Pleiadian Message Part 2
Many of you struggle with physical existence, reaching out as you grope for answers, for people, for connections, always trying to comprehend and understand. You may spend much time attempting to find those you feel the same vibration with.
Pleiadian Message Part 3
Understand that Spirit, or God, if you prefer, does not stand above you on a cloud looking down. No, Spirit does not function as this, nor does Spirit exist in a particular time, but seeps like the syrup into all times, or into all areas of perceived realities.
Pleiadian Message Part 4
If you feel that you are a separate entity apart from God, know that indeed your existence is different because God projects through time into all realities. When you feel the aloneness, the separation, it is because God reaches into the far distance future and expresses there.
Pleiadian Message Part 5
The Pleiadians come in love to help you remember. In connecting with Spirit, you connect with yourself, and so it is that you connect with others. We are all linked together, only because we exist as one and the same, which streams forth from the Spirit.